10 Reasons to Choose a Law Degree

10 reasons to choose a law degree

Many times, over the past 12 months or more i've been asked, “why did you choose a law degree?” This question does not have one definitive answer, there are many reasons as to why a law student chooses a law degree. Here i'm going to take a look at just some of the many reasons why I and many others have chosen to take a law degree at university.

  1. A well-respected field of study
It's a well-known fact that a law degree is a well-respected course within society and for many this is a very powerful factor in looking to study a degree within the law. For generations having a law degree has allowed for many people to go on and achieve their own dreams once their studies have finished. Many influential people have studied law degrees and gone on to do great work not only in their own fields but other fields of work as well. This for many people is a great indicator of the type of studying they will be doing on a law degree. However, with the course being well respected it can in most cases a very hard course to complete.

2.     Educational challenge
Carrying out a law degree, all though interesting and enjoyable, it is not easy. For many people the educational challenge of carrying out a degree that tests a person in many ways and allows for the development of crucial career skills needed in most higher-level jobs. A law degree changes and adapts within every module to teach you something different, not only to get you ready for a career in the law but to get you ready for the world of work in general.

3.      Interesting content
There are many people who believe that just because the law can be confusing at times it is not interesting. This is simply not the case, there are times within your degree where you will feel that this may be true. However, for almost every “boring” case you will find there will be an equally interesting and and inquisitive case or statute to enjoy. The law isn’t always as it is portrayed in the media and in most cases for those who work with it and within it makes for a very interesting and unpredictable career.

4.     Making great friends
There is one thing that is almost guaranteed when joining any course and that is, there will be a lot of people on yours. In most cases there can be over 100 people on course. This is great part of university as it helps you settle in and make great and long-lasting friendships. This is helped in a law degree by the close quarters work that takes place within seminars and tutorials allowing for you to develop intellectually as well as socially.

5.      Creating future contacts
Within your own law school there will be hundreds of students in the same position as yourself who are looking to create amazing careers for themselves. This is a great time in your law careers to make many contacts that will last for years to come and can lead to great opportunities within your own career as well the careers of your peers. Not only this but making connections with lecturers and tutors is a great way to open further pathways to work experience or further study after your degree.

6.     It helps with organisation
Being on a law course is great and very interesting, but you can be left with lots of paperwork, notes and exam papers. Over the course of your degree you will learn how to organise this in a way that allows you to stay on top of your work in a straightforward way that will allow you to work effectively going into your own chosen career.
7.     Development of crucial skills
When studying law there are many differing skills that you will be taught that are transferable to future careers and further studies. Such as analytical and critical thinking skills, that allows for a proper assessment of a case or evidence. The skills learnt from a law degree can be transferred and used in almost any career that you want to go into. This is why a law degree is so helpful as it doesn’t just teach you the skills required for law careers.

8.     Many job opportunities
It’s a well-known fact that a person with a high-level law degree stands in good stead when looking for a post graduate job, and in most cases, this is the same for most degrees. However, Law is a very competitive area to work in and there are always law firms and other law and business-related companies that are looking to employee. Law firms are always looking for young and hungry employees and a law degree is a great way to show them your skills and how you are working for them would be a benefit.

9.     Many post graduate opportunities
When considering the time after a law degree there are many different options that a person can take. When undergraduate studies are complete you don’t just have to pick a career and then find a job. There are further options such as further study and academic progression. There are many different programmes that allow for students to carry on studying law long after their undergraduate degree has come to an end. Many people choose to go on and carry out a masters in the law. A masters is a great way of entering the academic world if this is of greater appeal than working commercially or in another field. As well as this there our options to do doctorates. This variety of options is another reason why a law degree is a great degree to be taking part of.

10.  You have fun!!!!
At the end of the day no matter what degree you ultimately choose to do its going to be difficult as this is the nature of university and the education it provides. This means it essential to a course that you are passionate about and ultimately can have fun doing. A law degree all though tough and sometimes exhausting can be fun. The degree allows you to interact with people un like anything you will have experienced in previous education and this is a fun and great way to learn and make new friends.

If you chose to study a law degree, tell us why in the comments



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