5 Reasons for Taking a Year Abroad

5 Reasons for Taking a Year Abroad.
At our university, we have the opportunity to go and take a year out of our regular lives and spend it studying in another country, and we are lucky enough to study at a uni which has a huge amount of global links so we have a large variety of places to go! If you’re on the fence about whether going abroad for a year (daunting, I know) is the right thing for you, have a read of our 5 top reasons you won’t regret it!
  1. Broadening of your horizons
When looking to study abroad its important that you understand and research where you are going because if you go to the right place, studying abroad will allow you to understand and submerge yourself in a new way of living and allows you to make a great future for yourself. Studying abroad can be a breath of fresh air to your studies and can really guide your future; what and where you want to be after your studies.

  1. Making great friends
When abroad, making friends in a new country where you’ll most likely be without your friends is an essential part of your adaption to your year abroad. These connections and friendships can last a lifetime and will forge connections across the world which can only help in your future careers. Making friends abroad will allow you to truly make the most of your time away and can enhance your studies giving you an upper hand when you return your normal life back home.

  1. The option of learning a new language
Depending on where you choose to go when studying abroad, you may have the opportunity to learn a new language! Learning a new language allows for you to not only adapt to the country you are living in faster which will make your experience more enjoyable and immersive, but will also make you considerably more employable. When looking for jobs after your degree its clear that companies, specifically law firms, look for you to stand out, and there is no better way to stand out than learning a useful skill like a language.

  1. Finding new interests
When studying abroad its highly likely that you will come across new experiences, things that you never even thought of or knew existed before, especially if you travel to a country a bit further away! You can learn a new skill, make new friends and have something to do besides learning in your new place of study. Being able to explore new countries and cultures will give you the ability to explore these new interests and you may find that they will follow you back home after your time abroad and stay with you for the rest of your life.

  1. Enhancing graduate opportunities
It’s clear that when companies and law firms look for new recruits, they are looking for something special and unique from their candidates. They look for applicants to impress them and show off exactly what they’ve done and how this will help the firm. The whole experience of being abroad is a great talking point in interviews and assessment centres and makes you stand out with unique experiences that are specific to your own year abroad.

Do you have any interesting year abroad stories? Any other reasons why studying abroad is on your bucket list? Make sure you let us know!
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