5 Easy Tips for Studying Through the Winter Break

5 Easy Tips for Studying Through the Winter Break

Prepare well at the end of your semester
A great base for festive studies is to work hard throughout the semester and gather your work before the end of your studies. Preparing well really puts you in the driving seat when it comes to completing revision over the festive period  for the new year exams. It can see you excel in your final exams and grasp the topics at hands faster and to a greater extent. It helps to take some time at the end of your semester to gather notes make plans and strategies as to how you will revise across the festive period, making your festive studies smoother and easier to stick to. A great tip is to colour code your modules/ topics and this can help you break down your workload making it easier to access and learn.

It's important to take a break
University work as we all know is very hard and takes a lot out of students. Because of this, it's important that you take some time for yourself. The brain is a very powerful tool but without rest, it will not function properly, which is really not what you want when studying for your exams. So, a good tip would be to finish your work with plenty of time for you to take a break before you restart your revision over Christmas. It is ok to take a break over the festive period as long as you make sure you study the adequate amount, don’t let exam stress ruin your fun happy christmas period.

Break down revision into manageable chunks
Many people when asked will tell you that the hardest part of their course is studying and retaining the information given to them. However, with the right strategy, it can be made a lot easier. It’s important that you understand how you learn and the best way to study for you. This skill is a vital one to master as it means you can harness your revision and tailor it to your specific needs. A big tip would be to test out your own revision styles; from creating colourful mind maps to rewriting notes and text that you have produced throughout the semester.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself
Although christmas is a good time to get a lot of quality work done, it’s also a time to spend with family, and enjoy the festive season if you celebrate. Work is not the be all and end all over this time, so try to avoid scheduling intense 9-5 revision sessions every single day, and give yourself time to enjoy the time away from uni, the festive season and general relaxation that’s afforded from being away from uni. Get work done but don’t let it take over your winter break!

Make sure you have all your things
A lot of people will be travelling home for Christmas, so it’s important to make sure you have everything you need to make your revision as successful as possible. If you’ve left important textbooks at your uni house it might be pretty difficult to study effectively if you live far enough away that it’s not possible to pop back and get things. Making a checklist of things you need will make sure you don’t leave anything important behind, and that you’ll take it all back with you when you return for exam season.


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