My Time in Lyon: Lectures Begin

bonjour de France tout le monde

Since my last blog two weeks ago a lot has happened, some good and some bad. I have finally started my lectures and currently, I’m getting to grips with the local language. I’ve had many good experiences with friends and fellow students but also some down moments in my own head. However, I’m looking to the future and looking forward to the time I have here ahead of me.

My lectures started recently and the work for them has started to grow. I’m currently taking 4 modules, I am currently studying comparative constitutional law (a look into the constitutions of countries), international criminal law (looking into crimes on the international stage), alternative dispute resolution (looking at ways in which we can resolve issues outside of court) and the Gilded Age of America ( studying the efforts after the civil war). All these modules have been fascinating so far and tie into my studies at home well. I’m currently studying 3-6 hours a day depending on module dates and times, this is a big change from university in the Uk where you will usually only spend 2-4 contact hours in university a day.

Alongside my law studies, I have been taking French civilization classes alongside language classes. French civilization as you can imagine surrounds the history and culture of France and teaches us everything we need to know and do to settle in well here. currently, in my language course, we are learning tenses and how to order things at restaurants and shops. I’m starting to enjoy the language course and is giving me the skills I need to confidently live in Lyon.

As well as education it’s important on a year abroad to take in the culture and socialise; stepping out of your comfort zone can help you settle in. Over the last 2 weeks, I have stepped out of my comfort zone more than I think I ever have done in my whole life. To name just a few things I have spent evenings in French-speaking bars and restaurants, I have ordered food and drink in French. Trying to converse in French has been one of the biggest tasks for myself since I’ve been here but I’m getting more and more confident with this. I have spent time watching Lyon FC play in the Champions League. This was something special for myself as an avid football fan. I have spent times at zoos, libraries and museums catching up and making new friends along the way.

However, I have still been struggling with adjusting to this completely new way of living, I’m better than I was but stil sometimes feel like I’m falling back into my shell. However, I think there is a valuable lesson in this, no matter how much your mind or body tells you cannot do something you can it just takes trust and faith in yourself to take that initial jump. You can do anything you put your mind to no matter what anybody says or what you think yourself. This is a lesson I have learnt in the last couple of weeks and one I think will stick with me for a while. Take that leap and trust your own abilities you may surprise yourself as I have.

I hope to have so many more exciting stories and news for you all in the next couple of weeks until then keep pushing, keep working and never stop believing in yourself.

au revoir pour le moment!!!



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