My Time in Lyon: Winter is Here!

Since my last entry winter has well and truly set in here in Lyon with the temperatures falling and the rain rearing its head a lot more than this time a month ago. A very clear sign that winter is here has been the adverts and work surrounding the local Christmas markets. These Markets will be up and fully functioning by the time my next instalment is with you in a couple of weeks. This change in weather has seen an equal change in the moods of locals and tourists alike. Many bars and restaurants have now moved inside. You’ll find it difficult to spot many people enjoying their selves outside bars like you would when I first arrived. Instead many people favour the safety of a nice warm cafĂ© or bar when socialising and meeting with friends.
The last month has brought many different experiences socially and academically. I have also spent some time at home as mentioned in my last blog. I was able to recharge my batteries, spend some time with loved ones and reflect on the time that I have already spent in Lyon. During the half term, I enjoyed Halloween parties and trips to several winter (Christmas) events around my home university. 
On my return to Lyon, I had the luxury of spending a little time in Geneva around 2 hours away from Lyon by train. This beautiful city really allowed me to reflect on exactly what my year abroad was giving to me. As well as the experiences I had accumulated already. Being able to see the Jet d’Eau Geneva’s unique water fountain located on the idyllic Lake Geneva, really amazed me and is just one of the many attractions around the city that has made me fall in love with the area.
The beauty on my trip was not contained to Geneva alone. Travelling back through the Rhone-Alps area of Switzerland and France was the most picturesque journey I’ve ever been on. Only just beating out my trip through the Pennines back in Yorkshire. With a beautiful blend of new and old. The villages we passed were very tranquil with everyday life passing by in front of the most beautiful of backdrops, some would say perfection. I will be passing through Geneva on my travels in the future and I cannot wait to dive further into the city and learn more about its history.
After this amazing journey, it was time to get back to work and to come back down to earth with preparations for the end of year exams firmly in place. I am currently as of writing this blog setting out lecture notes. I am making sure I have the right preparation in place to do the best I can on the 2nd of December during my first written exam of the year. I am confident that the work I have done so far and am currently doing will help to further my knowledge of the law. I believe that I now have the tools in place to give these winter exams all that I have.
The month of November is a very important month for me with my birthday coming towards the end of the month and my girlfriend graduating from her university course within a matter of days. The next time I speak to you my exams will be in full swing and I will be able to bring you a full in-depth analysis of examinations in Lyon. 
In the meantime no matter what you have planned I hope you all have a wonderful time and here at the almost lawyers we love to hear what our followers have been doing with their time so don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments what the next month has in store for you. Many thanks for taking the time to follow my journey. 


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